December 2019
Best Picture
Unexpected Journeys
Craig Melville
Best Narrative Feature
City of Salt
Alicia Oberle Farmer
Best Narrative Short
The Sunset Channel
Matthew Kinahan
Honorable Mention: Narrative Film
Dave Ardito
Best Indie Feature
45 Days to Be Rich
Hani Bay
Best Indie Short
Tony Bloodworth
Honorable Mention: Indie Film
5 Rules of Kizomba
Sergey Khromykh
Best Drama
Kevin James ONeill
Honorable Mention: Drama
City of Salt
Alicia Oberle Farmer
Best Comedy
For Peanuts
Vlady Oszkiel
Honorable Mention: Comedy
Mom's Day Off
Julia Kelly, Caitlin Brodnick, David Ebert
Best Parody
Women Of Valley Forge
Molly Clark
Best Thriller
Forest of Light
Allan Riggs, William Nunes, Charles Chu
Best Horror
Christophe Mavroudis
Best Sci-Fi
JD Allen
Best Experimental Film
Charles-Edouard Dangelser, Grégoire Vaillant
Honorable Mention: Experimental Film
Alberto Martín-Aragón, Samuela Barbieri
Best Inspirational Film
Erik Borner
Honorable Mention: Inspirational Film
Always Hope
Janice L. Walker
Best LGBTQ Film
The Y Theory (Season 2)
Caroline Taillet, Martin Landmeters
Honorable Mention: LGBTQ Film
The Right Way
Tiernan Bertrand-Essington
Best Fantasy Film
Off With Your Head
Kaitlin Moore
Best Crime Film
Catch Me
Yongnan Zhu
Best Action Film
Let Me Run
Elmar Bayramov, Konul Kangarli
Honorable Mention: Action Film
Number 23
Jack Veasey
Best Web/TV Pilot
Angelica Cassidy, Ian Paul Cassidy
Honorable Mention: Web/TV Pilot
Tippy Top 'Hunt & Gather'
Danny Thomas
Best TV Series
Unexpected Journeys
Craig Melville
Best Web Series
The Y Theory (Season 2)
Caroline Taillet, Martin Landmeters
Honorable Mention: Web Series
For Peanuts
Vlady Oszkiel
Best Documentary
The Мemory of the North
Sergey Filatov
Honorable Mention: Documentary
Delay Of Game
Shaun Dikilato
Best Animation
Filla' Void
Xinhui Ma
Honorable Mention: Animation
The Very Special Day
Hayatto, Yuri Kageyama
Best Music Video
James Arthur feat. Travis Barker - You
Timon Birkhofer
Honorable Mention: Music Video
Carla Biset - Wallpaper
Sitanshu Datta
Best Student Film (Feature)
Something BIG
Tess Salamin
Best Student Film (Short)
Evers Pund
Honorable Mention: Student Film
Adam Bastin
Best Microfilm
A House by the Sea
Carolina Brettler
Best Director
For Peanuts
Vlady Oszkiel
Honorable Mention: Director
Tony Bloodworth
Best First Time Director (Feature)
City of Salt
Alicia Oberle Farmer
Best First Time Director (Short)
The Never Ending Nightmare
Grant Michael Eastey
Honorable Mention: First Time Director
Yuhong Cai
Best Indie Filmmaker
Harry Nathan - Fool For Your Love
Odeya Rush
Honorable Mention: Indie Filmmaker
The Red Envelope
Huang Hsiao Hsia
Best Young Filmmaker
Rio Jiang
Best Actor
The Sunset Channel
Simon Lee Phillips
Honorable Mention: Actor
For Peanuts
Michael Fritz Schumacher
Best Actress
Katalina Viteri
Honorable Mention: Actress
Forest of Light
Andressa Matos
Best Actor in an Indie Film
Face It
Jonas Olsen
Best Actress in an Indie Film
Mr Kunibert
Saana Laigren
Best Supporting Actor
Detention Combat
Alon Fisher
Best Supporting Actress
The Tale of a Corporate Slave
Pam Renall
Best Young Actor
Jack Heath
Best Young Actress
City of Salt
Lauren Catherine
Best Ensemble
Pajama Party Work Night
Rio Scafone, Christina Nicole, Caitlin Burt, Melissa O'Brien, Whitney Wagner, Rose Anne Nepa, Mark Boyd, Barton Bund, Josiah Vaccaro, Patrick Neff
Best Cinematography
Yifan Wen
Honorable Mention: Cinematography
James Arthur feat. Travis Barker - You
Daniel S. Williams
Best Editing
Dark Wolf Gang
Bowei Yue
Honorable Mention: Editing
The Sunset Channel
Jacob Thompson
Best Score
A Thousand Cranes
Eiko Yichen Jin
Honorable Mention: Score
Existence: Age of Discovery
Traivon Williams
Best Song
Highland Home
Kurt Rosenberg, Tim Gorman, Karen Johnson-Miller
Honorable Mention: Song
Naïma Pöhler
Best Sound Design
Evers Pund
Honorable Mention: Sound Design
Existence: Age of Discovery
Jordan L. Riley
Best Trailer
Running Between The Crack Of Time
YiCheng Xue
Inspiring Woman in a Film
The Good Life
Carolyn Wilson
Best Original Story
5 Dimensions Of A Word
Dietmar Brand
Honorable Mention: Original Story
The Sunset Channel
Matthew Kinahan, Ben O'Neil
Screenplay of the Month
Renaissance Man
Robert Tolz
Best Feature Screenplay
Jackie Rae
Kip Pearson
Best Short Screenplay
Blind Vampire
Eric White
Honorable Mention: Screenplay
Full Moon Blues
David Wolff
Best Drama Screenplay
A Revelation
Alec Ybarra
Best Comedy Screenplay
Renaissance Man
Robert Tolz
Best First Time Screenwriter (Feature)
Happy Medium
Aaron Lieben
Best First Time Screenwriter (Short)
Strudel Movie
Dietmar Brand
Honorable Mention: First Time Screenwriter
Erik Jasaň
Winners may order the official
LAFA statuette